Trolls are scum! A public service announcement from the ricks

Friday, November 1, 2019 4:52 AM
My buddy rickdugan, the smartest hairless ape on the planet, has made his disdain for trolls many times. However, it is important to distinguish between insanos, idiots, and the genuine trolls. A true troll is often (but not always) a female zebra that posts on the internet with the sole intention of stirring the pot. Both insanos and idiots may appear to be trolling, but they aren’t. For example: San Jose Ape is an insano. He sometimes appears to give the ricks proper respect. I think this is when his meds have kicked in. Pity the San Jose Ape for he cannot help himself. Skifredo is both an idiot and an insano. He is actually a crab that was captured and placed in a boiling pot. However, he escaped. While that might seem like a badass thing to do, the exposure to heat caused brain damage. Now he believes himself to be a lawyer. You can tell this is a delusion because a normal person would present their delusional lawyer character as successful. Skifredo believes himself to be a lawyer that attended the worst law school in the US that brags about billing poor clients for time he spends fucking around on the internet. Sad! You can extrapolate from here. Back to your regularly scheduled posting about whores. ROAR!


* has made his disdain for trolls KNOWN many times Even the Apple voice recognition sucks when lions use it. It is enough to make me consider becoming an Android-using rick. Any of you creatures have a good idea for devices that work properly for lions? I suspect not since most of you are damn dirty apes. Except for the zebras. But I’m not taking advice from a FUCKING ZEBRA! ROAR!!! ROAR!!! ROAR!!!!!!!!
5 years ago
Well said - and true. I enjoy some entertaining trolls. Some can be funny and I enjoy the levity - as the political discussions can get heated.
5 years ago
Some trolls are scummier than others
5 years ago
I'm still learning... But, I agree that some trolls have their place and can be fun. As for the rest, they only can get the attention we give them... I, for one, am so glad I have the option to ignore. The way I see it, garbage in, garbage out... and the cyber garbage disposal button is my friend!! 🌞
5 years ago
The Rick Animals are fun, magical servitors which they are: [view link] SJG
5 years ago
I da kang of trolls
5 years ago
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