Clowns… Frickin’ clowns… and the Cirque du Soleil

Thursday, July 7, 2022 1:03 PM
Not idiots like Skifredo. Nope, I’m talkin’ ‘bout the freaks that wield chainsaws and live in the sewer and shit like that. I was shocked to discover that Libby-ape or whatever the fuck his name is wants strippers to dress up like those clown freaks [view link] Now, as a rick and as a lion, I am not personally frightened by clowns. But that documentary about the weirdo sewer clown that was produced by, I believe, an ape named Stephen King shows that clowns are a frickin’ menace. Especially clowns in inappropriate places, like the frickin’ sewer. I mean maybe clowns in the circus are ok… Who the fuck am I kidding, I once freaked out at a Cirque du Soleil and started gong full wildebeest on all the performers. The audience thought it was part of the frickin’ show. I’m not proud of myself for those actions but I cannot apologize because those frickin’ clowns set me off. ROAR!!!


That's seriously lion privilege that you didn't put OT: on the title. Anyway, this isn't the bad clown stereotypes website it's the bad stripper stereotypes website. If there isn't already a clown-hate subreddit then start one already.
2 years ago
Used to see a tiny former Cirque du Soleil spinner who was so strong she could climb the pole upsidedown using just her hands with her legs pointing straight up. She only weighed about 85 lbs but still looked feminine.
2 years ago
There is a clown stripper from Portland named BJ McNaughty. She is on the feature dancer circuit performing at strip clubs around the country. Here was her appearance on Jerry Springer: [view link]
2 years ago
Great now I'm going to have a nightmare about getting blown by Ronald McDonald.
2 years ago
BJ McNaughty was a feature dancer at Hustler in St. Louis/Washington Park last fall. Her performance was entertaining, though more silly burlesque than sexy. I ventured a lap dance with her, which was definitely interesting. When she took her clothes off, any chance of me being distracted by thoughts of another clown vanished, but the makeup wasn't really my thing. As I mentioned in my review at the time, it's probably not something I'd repeat. If you're into clowns, though, I think you'd enjoy her.
2 years ago
It’s simple. Clowns are a menace. They don’t belong in civilized places. Put a few clowns in Chicago - and shootings will drop to zero. Put some in Portland - and those freaks will shit in their skinny jeans - and clear out in no time! Put a clown in San Jose…sorry there’s already one there!
2 years ago
I seriously could not bang a clown
2 years ago
2 years ago
Ok @ilbbaicni I stand corrected
2 years ago
I just googled clown porn. I may need to rethink my aversion to it
2 years ago
"Put some in Portland - and those freaks will shit in their skinny jeans - and clear out in no time!" ^^^@Cashman you underestimate Portland wierd. We have our very own clown stripper here. At least back in 2016 we did. See 'BJ McNaughty' in this article: [view link] And LOL skinny jeans. Fuck you. 😂😂😂
2 years ago
For several years, I used Circus Circus as my notel since the rooms were $25. Fucking a sugar baby at a rundown Vegas Strip property was just clowning around. I could care less if she wears face paint and a red ball for a nose as long as she sucks me like a Hoover and rides my penis like Tilt-a-Whirl.
2 years ago
===> "I’m not proud of myself for those actions but I cannot apologize because those frickin’ clowns set me off. ROAR!!!" Nor should you apologize. As you should know all too well rickthelion, a rick doesn't have to fucking apologize for <strong>ANYTHING!</strong> 😉
2 years ago
$25 is that with a comp?
2 years ago
SirLapDanceAlot - I apologize for offending you. There’s nothing wrong with skinny jeans. I love that stripper name - BJ McNaughty! An Irish clown stripper!
2 years ago
Mega lolz. 🤡🍑[view link]
2 years ago
Bunch of coulrophobics
2 years ago
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