Horrors of Communism

Tuesday, October 3, 2023 11:09 PM
A Cuban dancer told me her sister (also in The States) got a concealed carry permit. I asked her if her sister says "say hello to my little fiend" when she pulls out her gun. She had no idea what I was talking about. Pretty totalitarian, when you're Cuban, and you weren't even allowed to watch the Al Pacino version of Scarface.


Maybe she prefers comedy 🤔
7 months ago
Scarface also came out 40 years ago which may have been 20 years before this girl was even born
7 months ago
I don't think all this gifs were made in the 80s: https://giphy.com/search/scarface The Scarface(-as-Cuban) remake is not in the same league as The Godfather. But it's also not just some forgotten organized crime movie.
7 months ago
You remind me of my film study teacher. He was sad none of us watched any of the Charlie Chaplin movies. We were like WTF that shit is old
7 months ago
Good movie, though it's no Godfather. On that note, I tend to ask my Cuban amigas why they came to the US. They all emphatically state how hard it is there, due to the actual horrors of communism.
7 months ago
It worries me because they tend to talk about how broke they were in Cuba. Which makes them sound like economic, not political refugees. Same as all the Mexicans and Central Americans, who can't get legit visas as easily.
7 months ago
Charlie Chaplin is one of those pioneers, whose work everyone took and improved on. So it seems old hat now. You don't realize the newer stuff you love wouldn't exist without the pioneering stuff.
7 months ago
Who hasn't seen "A Streetcar Named Desire"? That was made about 10 years before I was born. Granted, a much better movie than (either) Scarface. Nobody remembers the "I have always relied upon the kindness of strangers" meme?
7 months ago
“Lolita” was on TCM a few days ago. I doubt she’s seen that either but it’s more appropriate for the board
7 months ago
A lot of those slow-burn 60s and 70s films have aged pretty poorly- The Godfather, Scarface, Rosemary's Baby. They take too long to get going and there is very little payoff when they do. The Outlaw Jesse Wales is one of my all-time favorites, but it's only gets really good after the kid dies. Jaws- the same, but it's not until they get on Quint's boat that it really takes off. I don't really blame later Gen X or early Millennials for tuning out in the first hour. Late Millennials and Gen Z- well, they simply suck ass and don't get a pass.
7 months ago
But the door swings both ways. I have no idea who these new music artists are.
7 months ago
I know I’m in the minority but I like Casino way, way more than Goodfellas. Basically, there’s no plot line to Goodfellas but Casino is a good story.
7 months ago
For me, the 70’s were a big of a lost decade for film making. A lot of so-called “classics” I find pretty boring. Except for Jaws. Not a huge fan of The Godfather, Star Wars, Dog Day Afternoon, Chinatown, Network, Taxi Driver, The Deerhunter. And some I probably missed. All kind of overrated for my tastes. The 50’s and 60’s were better in my book
7 months ago
“Bit” not “big”. Need that temp edit feature
7 months ago
Going back and watching Scarface decades later is painful. When I was in college I thought it was one of the best movies ever.
7 months ago
What the hell is wrong with hores from communist countries? They can be just as good in the VIP as other dancers and sometimes at more reasonable rates...... oh, HORRORS..... I'm sorry, never mind.
7 months ago
And there's a "W" in there somewhere too.
7 months ago
Some of these movies are just not watchable for entertainment purposes. It’s like the kitty hawk: of course I appreciate its importance, but I’m not fucking flying on it
7 months ago
Good for her, that movie was so overrated. The original 1932 version was so much better anyways.
7 months ago
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