Person or sex doll?

Wednesday, January 3, 2024 5:57 PM
[view link] I guess she has to be a person, because her eyes point to the side in some of her pictures. Can you do that with a high-end sex doll? Do sex dolls come bald so you can put different wigs on them? If she's a person, why does she use the same facial expression in all her pictures?


CGI would be my guess. Not sure if it's an AI type thing or more manual modeling, but certainly doesn't look real.
4 months ago
Hadn't considered CGI, that does seem like the most probable explanation. Not sure if any ML/AI would need to be involved.
4 months ago
Hey now that’s Muddys girlfriend. He’s never met her or talked to her, but that’s still his girlfriend. Falling down the rabbit hole I was looking at hot milfs on Reddit today and it took me to some Twitter handle posting stock photos of extremely hot milfs. It was hilarious reading the responses from 100+ pervy men on each photo hitting on what they thought was the Twitter ahem I mean X account of the woman in the photo, not realizing it’s just some nitwit posting random images from the internet. I guess that’s what happens when you’re in your 40s and you’re still a virgin. Dave Anderson could offer some insight to that scenario. So many gullible people out there.
4 months ago
A lot of the thirsty posters that look like 40yr old virgins are either 13yr old virgins, or more often fake accounts/bots.
4 months ago
too bad she's not real. she's a real doll !
4 months ago
the owner of that account should do some AI stuff with that doll and create an OF account as some sort of an experiment. at the end of the week i wouldn't be surprised that there would actually be 20 guys out there from this entire planet that would pony up some cash to be a subscriber.
4 months ago
clearly AI generated images.
4 months ago
On the cam sites there's a girl or 2 I've seen that wears some crazy bodysuit or whatever and use software to look like a ridiculous anime porn cartoon. I forget what this is called, but it is like the actual girl moving and talking. I heard this setup costs like 20 or 25k, but the girl easily made it back and then some. Shit is crazy
4 months ago
4 months ago
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