Where Do They Get Their Numbers?

Tuesday, November 2, 2021 1:10 AM
Last time I crossed the San Ysidro Pedestrian border into the USA at 9:00 am on a Thursday, BWT indicated the line was 70 minutes. 120 minutes later I was facing the agent. Just before I faced the agent, I again checked BWT. It said the wait was 18 minutes. I looked behind me and clearly the wait inside the building alone exceeded 18 minutes and I knew there was a substantial number waiting outside the building. To add to my pain, the line next to me had three agents processing travelers. My line had one agent. Someone in front of me complained to an agent that the line was too long. He replied, "It only took you 30 minutes or so, didn't it." Clueless. The line cutters were out in force, offering to allow me to cut in line for $10. (Last time it was $20.) If you are not familiar, what these scammers do is put someone in line, then "sell" you their spot when they are near the first gate. Problem is, three or more travelers take the place of one scammer. Not a big impact, but quite unfair. Just a little whine before dinner.


I had the reverse happen to me the last time I crossed back. I did it late afternoon on a Thursday. The online system said the wait was going to be 40 minutes. I had no wait whatsoever. Walked directly up to the agent. But I have no answer for your question. I assume someone at the border is just eyeballing it and giving an estimate. I've never used a line cutter though. Might keep that in mind if I go again. Who do you see to pay the $20 ?
3 years ago
Same experience as Warrior15. My last 2 visits on weekdays, I was anxious to return to the border to avoid a long wait and both times walked right up to the CBP. No wait time. Cool thing was that my taxi driver showed me a live webcam stream of the line on the Mexican side. I wonder if anyone has a link to that webcam stream - we could plan our getaway from the club that way.
3 years ago
@PutaTester The answer to your question: Q: Where Do They Get Their Numbers? A: They must have some algorithm/formula based on recent history/data and from travelers, like you, feedback: https://bwt.cbp.gov/feedback/public “Welcome to the CBP Border Wait Time feedback form. Your feedback is important to us. The feedback you provide will help CBP in enhancing the Border Wait Time application and to improve the traveler border crossing experience. To provide feedback, please make a selection from the list below and press the submit button. Thank you!” SENTRI/NEXUS Lanes seem to be the fastest. Sentri INFORMATION Sentri Allow You To Get Into the US Faster from Canada or Mexico * Frequent fliers, business travelers, and the general public can access our Services to join the United States and Customs Trusted Traveler program * We are experts in helping you to complete your Sentri application  * We ensure that your application has the highest probability of success by ensuring it is complete, accurate and mistake-free. * We also help you with any additional steps you need to take and of any additional documentation you must provide. * We let you know of problems you may encounter from filing the application. Sentri application website: https://sentriapply.com/sentri-information/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5J76muP48wIVmgytBh12Ew-EEAAYASABEgKNi_D_BwE
3 years ago
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