Whatever happened to Fozzy Bear?

Tuesday, February 15, 2022 1:33 PM
This rick was pleasantly buzzed flipping through channels and I came across a find. An old program starring some weird looking bear. Bear didn’t even look real but I am a big supporter of television programming with more carnivores and fewer primates. Your primate women are hot but most of you are frickin’ idiots (my brother the dugan is an obvious exception). Anyhoo…I found the TV bear to be delightful. He said he was going to pull a rabbi out of a hat. Comedy gold! I think imma pick up some DVDs so I can reliably watch that shit during OTC. My rickvice: watch more Fozzy. In fact, do any of you damn dirty apes know if he’s still making movies or TV? Wocka wocka! .


2 years ago
Actually, Fizzy played second fiddle to a hairless green frog on Fraggle Rock, all of them were puppets operated by hairless apes! Bwahahahahaha!🐻🐸😂
2 years ago
*Fozzy. Damn autocorrect!
2 years ago
I heard Fozzy fell in love with Super Grover, and those two queens tried to get Ernie and Burt evicted from their one bedroom rent controlled apartment. They even wanted the bathtub and rubber duckie.
2 years ago
@Gassagain:That would have been Miss Piggy!🐷😂
2 years ago
You know, somehow a rick saying something as innocent as “watch more Fozzy” makes me feel a bit guilty about stirring the pot with my Eileen Gu question. Not guilty enough to put my popcorn back. But still, you have to respect a muppet-loving guy pretending to be a lion. It occurs to me that watching more Fozzy might help Mr. Dugan’s mental health. Maybe he’d stop discussing his pretend family on a titty club website. Just sayin
2 years ago
Atacdog, I can’t believe what you say. Well the part about the Foz being friends with a frog is fine. Frogs are cool. I once gave this frog a ride to a party…what the fuck was his name? Oh yeah, felixthefrog. Anyhoo, I picked up these three hookers at the club and they all started licking ol’ felix and then they freaked out and I fucked ‘em while they were tripping. Anyhoo.. where was I? Oh yeah, my big point is that there ain’t nothing wrong with having’ a frog bud as long as he secretes hallucinogenic compounds that turn the hookers on. That’s called a double date. ROAR!!!
2 years ago
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