Power Outages

Monday, April 25, 2022 9:08 PM
Piggy backing on spice's thread about losing power in the strip club, I am curious as to where the strangest places people have been when the power went out. For me it was at the dog track in Raynham, MA. Dog racing is usually 5/16; 3/8 and once in a while 9/16 of a mile. Raynham was running a special 16ths night, running races at distances 3/16/; 5/16; 7/16; 9/16; and 13/16. My buddy put in a huge bet in an 11/16 race based on a dog who was a huge closer in 7/16. The race goes off and as they hit the 7/16 mark, my buddies dog begins to run away with it. Then it happened. Apparently track personnel forgot to reset the lure and the race before was 9/16 so the race was still on when the rabbit began slowing down. The dog (my bud's bet) caught the lure. grabbed it in its' mouth and wouldn't let go. Sparks flew, the lights blinked and then 100% darkness until emergency lights came on. Tote board came back on blank -- no race lol. He thought they'd go to film and he'd win money lol. This was 1986, the last time my buddy bitched about not getting paid was last weekend.


idk remember the exact location I was but it was in NYC in 2003 summertime a big time outage, and for the first time in a while you could see more than 8 stars in the sky.
2 years ago
A few years ago the power went out on a near record breaking cold night. It was about 26 below zero. I was home. It went out about 7 pm for around 3 hours. Not much to do except go to bed and try to stay warm. The house dropped into the 50’s before they power came on. I was getting a bit concerned.
2 years ago
My college dorm lost power once. 11th floor. There was a little emergency lighting around the elevators but for the most part it was pitch black in the hallways with no source of outside light
2 years ago
I was with my Dad coming home from NYC in 1965 I was 13 years old we were in the subway coming from my grandmothers co-op in lower Manhattan, on our way to the LIRR at Penn Station, we never made it to Penn Station we got off the seventh ave subway somewhere near midtown and walked first back to the station then back to my Grandma's apartment near the Brooklyn Bridge, we got there after Midnight and had to climb up 19 flights of stairs back to here apartment. We stayed there overnight the next day my mom drove into the city and we all went back to our home in Nassau county with my grandma, that was an adventure, I'll never forget.
2 years ago
I had a connecting flight at the Cincinnati airport when they lost power during a thunderstorm. There was plenty of emergency lighting so it wasn’t dark or anything like that - it was just strange because all the restaurants and bars and ticket counters were closed.
2 years ago
1991 driving through Rhode Island on the way back from a family trip to Virginia right after Hurricane Bob had hit the day before. Nothing but darkness.
2 years ago
Being in high school and forgetting to ctrl+s whatever assignment I was working on ahead of time. Or whenever I was in middle school and writing some kind of fanfiction😭😭 Horrible stuff and thank goodness for auto save now. And there was the Texas power grid failure in February 2021. Idk if that counts because I wasn’t actually there for that though. But I was messaging with people dealing with it.
2 years ago
Personal electronics is nice because it can run even in power outages. Sometimes we need that. SJG
2 years ago
^ The Texas power failure is A/K/A The Ted Cruz’s winter vacation
2 years ago
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