Queensland’s Push to Decriminalise Sex Work Could Leave Strippers Behind

Friday, May 6, 2022 12:51 PM
Australia is loosening laws on sex work. This an interesting statement about strippers: "Acrucial stipulation of the state’s current law strictly forbids dancers from soliciting sex at a licensed strip club, or offering “extras” like performative masturbation, oral sex, penetrative sex, or anything to do with anal, even if there technically isn’t any physical contact between a worker and their client. Strippers are worried, though, because “extras” are as much a part of the job as stripping is." [view link]


In Australia, there are probably 100 sex workers in legal brothels and massage parlors for every stripper. There really aren’t a lot of strip clubs as we know them in the US.
2 years ago
Queensland is the Florida of Australia, so stupid laws are to be expected. Perhaps a relevant side question is, how often does a heavy extras dancer have good chops as a straight up stripper? Like good pole work, or cheering up lonely old men. Once there are legal brothels, what's bad about saying strip clubs can provide air dancing only? For reasons similar why you can't sell a carton labeled "milk" and put vodka in it. Assuming the brothels aren't pimpy, PLs and SWs meet and chat in a lounge. Both must be down with it before they go to a private room.
2 years ago
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