Bizarre Discussions

Thursday, July 14, 2022 2:41 PM
Sitting in desires with a dancer I will call a "cf' although she was just the dancer I danced with the most. We are sitting at the bar and some guy is glaring at us. I mention it and she professes to not know why. They call her to the stage, so I say let's do a room and for the first time ever a dancer says "no" I can't. Desires is automatic about letting dancers skip stage sets and this is my first "no" so I say ok and she says she'll be back. She gets on the stage and Mr. Glare sits down and they engage in animated conversation for 3 songs. I am now praying she doesn't come back, but of course she does. This is our conversation: Her "I don't have your number so I couldn't text you and let you know that all my OTC (never done it) and ITC is by appointment only. I am going to do nothing but appointments and stage dance, starting 3 days ago. My brilliant response? "ok, is that why Mr. Glare is pissing himself?" Her - He's my next appointment, he knows he is the first one of the night and he is mad because he thinks I am making a rule exception for you, when I wouldn't for him. Me - Go dance for him, you want to keep good clients. Her - I will right after I get your number so we can make an appointment for next time. Me - I don't give out my number or schedule appointments to see dancers and that means all dancers, not just you. Her - if you don't make an appointment, you won't be doing rooms with me and you know you will be missing out. Me - I understand. I wish you the best, take care. Her - Fuck you. Walks away. I laughed and she heard me. I feel bad. I have known her a long time and know she has self-esteem issues, and I didn't mean to laugh at her. I just find this whole appointment idea or the idea of having a regular you set up "dates" with to be ridiculous. To each their own, but to me the idea of strip clubbing is the excitement of new and different, not paying to have a girlfriend who thinks I am a chump, no matter what they might tell you. Why make a pretend romance out of a business transaction?


I’ve had similar experiences my response to her would be I don’t need a strip club wife, I come here to enjoy variety, if you can’t accommodate me I’m sure someone else will be happy to, and I refuse to discuss it further, I have a good reputation and spend decent amounts of money so I really don’t care what she’s doing with her regulars but she won’t be mine.
2 years ago
SkiI know your old school but would it kill you to give a CF a number, it is 2022. Even some text app bullshit. I could see a girl who I consider to be a CF getting hurt over the fact I wouldn’t trust her with my number. I would look at it more like texting Pizza Hut, than being a serious thing.
2 years ago
PM me with whomever this stuck up bitch is. I tell every girl, I might like you, but it might not be your day.
2 years ago
And still some guys insist they are somehow "special" or "better than the other guys" - a PL is only as good as his $$$ and only as good as she needs his $$$ - at any point you're out like yesterday's trash or she tries to pull one over on you
2 years ago
"Fuck you" would have gotten more than a laugh out of me. I can think of one dancer in particular that I have know for many years. Almost hooked up with her for OTC 5 years ago. Now I see her sit by herself waiting for her "by appointment" regulars to arrive. "c'est la vie" I'm very picky about who gets my cell phone number. I have an old fashioned land line with an answering machine for all but a few friends and family and my OTC gal.
2 years ago
Wonder if she charges more to be first customer of the day? Guess that could be considered an extra “extra”.
2 years ago
Though one sometimes has to try and see things from the dancer's perspective - good chance that an established dancer at a club may have a good # of regulars each expecting to be given sole attention when he's at the club - in such a situation I can see doing appointments as the best way to juggle multiple regulars. Could also be a club can be raising dancer-fees and tipouts and a dancer may be trying to limit the days she comes into the club and is trying to group the regulars into a tighter schedule.
2 years ago
Muddy - Have to say I'm in total agreement with Ski on this. I have a strict will not give my number to a stripper policy. I used to do it on occasion, I had one dancer who managed to piss me off royally and that was it. As far as I am concerned, the one dancer ruined it for everyone else. When I've had dancers ask to exchange numbers since, I explain why I will not and they have all seemed to understand, even ones I have spent time with on multiple occasions. I've never had the negative reaction to it that Ski seems to have had, but if it ever happens, then I'd consider it her problem, not mine. Just my two cents.
2 years ago
Out of curiosity, what’s the bad outcome from giving out a phone number? (From a burner app) The most stupid or creepy or insulting or whatever messages just simply get ignored or a silly comment back. And that has worked well for me since I’ve had a particular phone number for five years now. I’ve been lucky enough that I haven’t even had to “block” anybody yet.
2 years ago
I assumed that these days most folks in the SC game would be using burn #s instead of giving out one's real # - the burn-apps also should make it easy to block a #
2 years ago
Wow! Good for her! She is figuring out her value and has stood up for herself! This is her way of getting rid of bitchy ungrateful customers. Sounds like skibum is the one who has low self esteem and is projecting it onto dancers who stick up for themselves. The fact that you have low self esteem is a repellant for women. This dancer did not even want to hang out with you when you pay her... wah...wah...wah... No wonder skibum trolls me so much. He is just super jealous of is young bucks who get it for free lmfao rofl
2 years ago
pizza hut. lol. my first take is vip appts are fine, especially if she's fined for not showing. depending on price i'd go right for the otcs appts. they're all just temp sex dolls anyway (ideally cleaned after each use).
2 years ago
In my experience, more and more extras dancers want regular appointments. It makes sense if they can get it: less sexual risk, more dependable income, and if they really are in demand then this reduces frustration for regulars who show up and then can’t see their cf because she’s too busy. That said, most girls don’t have the level of draw to demand this. There are a few local young, very hot, extras heavy dancers who can pull this off, but the rest look a bit silly sitting in a low volume club all day trying to get “bookings”.
2 years ago
I would try to avoid Mister Glare. He is that club's problem and that dancers's problem. Don't want pointless conflict in a strip club, or to be making the club into turf. But need to get outside contact with the girl so that you are not a Strip Club PL. SJG School of Rock, real good! 2nd song in has a girl signing lead for Song Remains the Same
2 years ago
I carry two phones. One that is work related and one that is personal. I don't mind giving my number or taking a number. I will tell a girl that I am going to be in town and in the club but I don't really make appointments. Being a mostly daytime club guy these days, I don't always know when I can break away from work. Even when I think the coast is clear, I will get calls I have to take. Therefore, I catch girls when I can and will give ones I like a ballpark idea when I will be in. I once told a current "semi-favorite" that we match up well because we want to hang out but don't get pissed off at each other when it doesn't work out.
2 years ago
Exchanging numbers led to something funny just yesterday. My instagram account said one of my contacts had just created an instagram account. Not sure how this happened since I created my account with a random email without linking it to my phone number. Anyway, I had no idea who the girl was by looking at her pictures. She was using her account to announce when she would be at her club, a club I've never been to. She wasn't ugly but her pictures made me wonder why I would even take her number in the first place. Girls need to remember not to tie their phone numbers to instagram accounts that might show their real name. I've accidentally found out a dancer's real name more than once simply by having an instagram account and their phone number.
2 years ago
48-Cowboy is so stupid he has yet to figure out that old guys were young assholes once; just like him. We know a loser like him ain't getting it for free. As far as appointments? If I need a haircut, I call my guy. He fits me in because he knows if I make an appointment I probably will forget and not show up. Planning sucks. It's all I do at work, so I don't plan my personal life. How am I supposed to know Wednesday morning that I want a bj from my "cf' on Friday night? Reservations I make get cancelled at least 80% of the time. We're going skiing next february. Will be gone 11 days. We have no flights, no hotels and no idea where we are skiing. The day before we leave we will get a general idea (New England to Montana) and the next day we get in the car and go. Same with strippers. No one gets my cell number and I don't text. I even have it in my fee agreement.
2 years ago
I generally like exchanging numbers with a stripper and making an appointment to see her, if that's what you wanna call it. I don't see how that makes it less transactional. It still very much is what it is, but she knows before she goes in that she'll have at least one decent customer and I know I'll have fun with a girl I enjoy. It's certainly not the only way I club though. That said, I've never taken it to this level nor have I had a stripper go there with me. If we make arrangements and circumstances change, they change. It's an arrangement not a marriage. I'm not gonna glare at her while she's with another customer or get all upset. I'll just find another stripper to entertain me. I don't know how I'd have reacted when she told me she was by appointment only. I probably would have taken her number or given her mine, but it's not like I'm not gonna just show up most of the time. The whole "you'll be missing out" thing definitely would have soured me though. She might as well have Ron Popeil offering not one, but two tits and a free gift plus free shipping if I buy her pussy within the next 20 minutes.
2 years ago
You'll be missing out line shows she must still be learning to perfect her hustle game. I'd probably laugh my ass off honestly
2 years ago
Skibum, it sounds like you are very irresponsible and a bad time manager. No wonder your clients are low income bottom of the heap types. Just like you are... lmao Another episode of the senile and grumpy old boomer... lmfao Skibum, You should hook up with desertscrub
2 years ago
"A dancer's phone got hacked and I still get scam calls and spam because of it." ^ This is very unlikely. It's coincidence. Most scam/spam calls are either dialing all numbers, or buying data from a broker. The odds of a data broker getting your number from a "hacked" phone are next to zero. It came from a legit company that sold it.
2 years ago
If giving dancers one's #, one should use a burn #/app - I believe changing the burn # is fairly-easy if it becomes compromised/hacked
2 years ago
She’s a cunt
2 years ago
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