Chef Scrub Ape? The rick got some suspect coq au vin

Monday, August 15, 2022 4:12 PM
Have any of you ever worried that Scrub Ape might be the chef when you go to a restaurant? I went to a restaurant with good reviews but when my dinner arrived it was rather unappetizing. I heard somebody in the kitchen yell “CLUB AD! CLUB AD! CLUB AD!” This was followed by some truly disturbing sounds. Now, I’m not saying that Scrub was the chef and I’m not certain that he jizzed in the coq au vin, but it is a possibility. I decided not to go all wildebeest on the wait staff because they can’t help the fact that they have an insane chef. But I’m currently hunting the owner and when I do he’ll hear a certain word… A word that rhymes with schmildebeest. ROAR!!!


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