Large canine ejaculates in female hairless ape and ape is confused about species

Friday, August 26, 2022 12:12 PM
The rick is skeptical about this story: [view link] This rick’s experience is that even the stupidest of hairless ape whores understand that takin’ my lion jizz their hooha will not result in lil’ cubs with noble lion heads and ape bodies. Also, all of the canines I’ve met are insipid drooling idiots. But you never know. Perhaps this female hairless ape was involved in a three-way with her ape boyfriend and her slobbering Great Dane. The world is a strange place. Hell, half of you idiots spend time babbling about stupid shit when you could be discussing the sexy females. What’s up with that? ROAR!!!


I read that Linda Lovelace, before she made Deep Throat, was in a movie like that. They had to tape the dog's paws. A dog's claws are not as sharp as a cat's, but you still don't want to tangle with them. And dogs have less control over their claws than cats do. But no, a dog cannot make her pregnant, and neither can a donkey. Neither can a lion, a vulture, a turtle, or a crap either. SJG
2 years ago
Unless you're the rick sock puppet, you're not the rick. You fear the rise of the new dominant hum-dane race. They may not like zoos, and they may not go on fake safaris, depriving you of your meager income providing photo ops.
2 years ago
2 years ago
Complexity, A Very Short Introduction, by John H. Holland Oxford University Press (2014) pg 61 " We now know that the human body (and other eukaryotes), under normal conditions, serves as a niche for hundreds of species of benign bacteria. Indeed, there are dozens of individual bacterial cells residing in the body for each single body cell! The body cells set the structure of the body, much like the trees of a rainforest, while most of the interactions take place between the occupants. This micro-biome is, in other words, a complex ecosystem that mediates the normal functioning of the body. When this cooperative network is unbalanced (through, say, over application of antibiotics) the body becomes a target for rapidly growing pathogens. The pathogens are normally kept under control by a shortage of resources -- resources consumed by the benign bacteria. The benign bacteria themselves survive because the resources they consume enable the body-niche to survive over evolutionary time scales. They have co-evolved with the body to greatly enhance the overall resilience of the whole system, through cross-species exchange of genes (horizontal transfer)--some genes of bacterial origin even appear in the human chromosomes. In short, the human body is a complex ecosystem that depends upon the cooperation of a vast array of bacteria for its survival. GENE TRANSFER! Having read about this phenomenon other palaces, these alien cells out numbering our cell by 20:1, they weigh almost nothing, so they don't add much to our body weight. SJG Free - Wishing Well
2 years ago
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