High Noon

Wednesday, October 12, 2022 10:09 PM
A town Marshal, despite the disagreements of his newlywed bride and the townspeople around him, must face a gang of deadly killers alone at "high noon" when the gang leader, an outlaw he "sent up" years ago, arrives on the noon train. No, no, no…., not that High Noon. I was at a wedding over the weekend and they didn’t have any liquor. Just kegs of beer, some individual bottles of wine and High Noon on ice. I’ve never tried it before - and was hesitant. Figured it was a girly drink. But saw a few football player types drinking it so I grabbed one. Damn! Was it good! It’s only 4% ABV so didn’t feel anything after one can, but I was driving so had to be careful. I bet it’s a real panty dropper at college parties


If I see it, I'll give it a try but I don't like those beers where you feel like your eating your beer and you feel all bloated afterwards.
2 years ago
I hear yah man. I miss the taste of beer, but it makes me too fat. High Noon is the one you have to settle for.
2 years ago
Most of the seltzers are malt based, e.g., white claw, truly, etc. High Noon is spirits based. It’s vodka, soda and a bit of flavor added. It’s also a bit less carbonated than most of the seltzers. Nothing girly about it and a good drink.
Hank Moody
2 years ago
The heaviest, most bloating beer I ever had was Stag Beer, It was nickel draft night. There wasn't even bartender pouring, there was just an honor system where you were trusted to drop a nickel in the bucket next to the tap and you poured yourself. I do not miss those nights.
2 years ago
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