Forget strippers, real life questions

Thursday, December 8, 2022 6:26 AM
Do shower curtains go inside or outside the tub. The internet providers mixed answers.


Curtain outside liner inside jeez More perplexing question How do you hang your toilet paper?
a year ago
Is a dark orange egg yoke safe to eat?
a year ago
Why do we park the car on the driveway, and drive the car on the parkway ?
a year ago
in baseball shouldn't it be a foul ball instead of a homerun if the ball hits the foul pole?
a year ago
What is the meaning of life?
a year ago
Why do we take a shit? I'd prefer to leave one.
a year ago
1. Single shower curatin goes inside the tub to keep water off of your tile 2. Toilet paper goes over unless you have pets [cats, dogs, ferrets], then it goes under so they don't unroll the whole thing. 3.Dark orange yolks are delicious. Means the chickens ate a more diverse diet and there will be more nutrients. 4.🤷🏼‍♂️ 5. Foul pole sounds better than fair pole. 6. There is no deeper meaning to life.
a year ago
Icee Loco (asshole)
a year ago
lots of people have the misfortune to take a lot of shit, especially from shitty bosses, while at work.
a year ago
Why do we worship a God who's finest creation is the human being. Seems more like a fireable offense .......
a year ago
If a man gets turned on by a smoking hot TS, does that mean he’s gay? (Asking for a friend)
a year ago
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?
a year ago
I'm so confused. I think I'll start drinking early today.
a year ago
The answer to life is. 42
a year ago
Does a bear shit in the woods? If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear, does it make a noise? And finally, how far can a person run into the woods?
a year ago
I went into a General Store and couldn’t buy anything specifically.
a year ago
Is prostitution the oldest profession?
a year ago
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