I’m not posting this in the political discourse room…

Thursday, October 19, 2023 4:02 PM
Because this is more of a medical / mental health question. Did anytime see Biden talking to reporters aboard Air Force One? I don’t care if you are a Democrat, a Republican, a Libertarian, or a MAGA disciple- How can anyone justify that Biden has the stamina and mental acuity to be the leader of the free world. The man couldn’t even put together a sentence. Honestly it’s sad.


^ agree with this assessment, problem is the only other likely candidate at this point in time has worse mental issues that scare me more. I hope that a better candidate emerges from the wreckage before it’s too late
7 months ago
He doesn’t need to have stamina or acuity, he just needs to be upright and not fuck up. You can say he’s fucking things up, but that’s just your opinion as he is delivering on what his party needs him to do. That’s politics. The times make the President. The president doesn’t make the times.
7 months ago
I question your mental health that you believe this won’t be a political “discussion.”
Hank Moody
7 months ago
The man put together many sentences. Its on video.
7 months ago
I’ve never known a politician speak the way he does. He seems to have one level of tone and never seems to display any passion in his speeches or when he’s talking. I suppose none of this matters as long as he’s doing a good job, but I’m not qualified to give an opinion on that.
7 months ago
^Biden is in the process of bumbling into WW3, but hey, as some asshole said, it's just politics to his party.
7 months ago
Go to the politics section!
7 months ago
You didn’t read my statement
7 months ago
^ We did read your statement. The reality is that this is a political post. And if you don't see that as clearly as anyone, then I refer you to Hank's post above.
7 months ago
He’s an old man with a speech impediment. If you don’t like that, you will have your chance at the next election. From a communications perspective, I personally prefer a better, younger, more dynamic speaker. I preferred Obama in this respect. From a policy perspective, the stuff he was talking about seemed reasonable enough. Maybe not the only way to respond, but not an obviously problematic response.
7 months ago
"Because this is more of a medical / mental health question." Okay, let's completely remove the partisan aspects of this conversation. United States military has mandatory retirement ages 62 or 64 depending on rank (yes, I know there are exceptions that go to 68). POTUS should also have upper age limit. I say if you're 70 years old, you're too old to run for President. If you're too old to be a General or Admiral, then you're too old to be Commander-in-Chief. No politics involved.
7 months ago
Get rid of career politicians, end their pensions and ban them from investing while in office. We’ll see how many of them stick around. Both sides are absolute trash, anyone worthy or qualified to hold office can’t win because of the failed two party system.
7 months ago
And he’s *still* more capable than Trump or Regan.
7 months ago
One question how do you guys even break up the rooms anymore? When I click discussions it just comes to all together. If there is a way to even do it it's immediately obvious and i'm guessing most folks do the same exact thing.
7 months ago
I wonder what microdong's been smoking? I sure don't want any of that shit!
7 months ago
biden is a babling DUMB SON OF A BITCH!!!!!!!!!
7 months ago
Muddy, click on forums and then select the room.
7 months ago
Weird that founder never gave us the option to hide certain forums from the main discussion feed. That would satisfy a lot of critics who don’t want to see the politics or TJ forums. Though the TJ forum is much less obnoxious since that one guy left who used to post a new TJ thread every minute.
Hank Moody
7 months ago
You are discussing the mental faculties of the POTUS and think it's not a political discussion? Every clinician in my practice believes that Biden has too many Parkinsonian traits for it not to be in that family of diseases. The shuffling walk and constant falling, the slack facial expression, the mumbling speech, the non- blinking, the rigid arms and hands. These are all symptoms of Parkinson's Disease or side effects of the medication. The big questions are: where in progression of PD is he? Could it be something worse with similar presentation like Lewey Body Dementia? This man is not fit for office and they all know it. Kamala Harris is his insurance policy- a VP so bad that not even her own democrat party would remove him from office. This is criminal fraud on a massive scale against the whole of the USA.
7 months ago
I can’t judge his mental acuity but he definitely struggles to find his words and stumbles through prepared statements. He seems to be in decent physical shape for a man of his age, but I just hope he can hang in there for another year since VP Harris scares the hell out of me.
7 months ago
Joe Biden is a mentally and physically feeble person of an advanced age who is in the stage of degrading cognitive ability. He is only to read cue cards and struggles with it too frequently. That’s not politics, that’s reality. What is politics is if you can’t admit that obvious reality. What is reality is someone of this degraded state being captain of the ship will embolden enemies and friends to try to take advantage. It also means underlinings will be emboldened to grab more power.
7 months ago
Does anyone actually use the "forums" button? The problem with that feature has always been that you can only select one room and exclude all the others. Seems to me it would be a lot more useful if you could just check a box to "hide" a room you don't want to look at. Like politics, for example. Then if someone posted something political in the Front Room, people would have a legitimate gripe. But as the system is now, I really doubt that anyone is using the forum button to look only at the Front Room, then, oh let me see what's in the VIP section, now let me leave the VIP and switch over to Verified Members. Next I'll stop by TJ Mongers, before returning to the Front Room, all in an effort to avoid ever seeing a political discussion.
7 months ago
IMO the core issue is not that he fumbles through speeches, but rather what the fumbling likely represents (reduced mental acuity). It concerns me that the country is being run by whomever he has in his ear, rather than the President. While it is certainly beneficial to be a good orator as President, it's not the most critical aspect (except that confidence while speaking portrays an air of competence).
7 months ago
Biden did well in the address to the nation last week, from the clips I saw. He is striking the right balance (or pretty darn close) for a complex Middle East situation, and is 100% correct on Ukraine. Many Dems would likely prefer another 2008-Obama type of candidate, if there was one. Until then, critical thinking people will grade Biden on substance and not just style.
7 months ago
^ right out of the msnbc kool aide drinking talking head playbook. LMFAO!
7 months ago
This situation (the latest Biden address) is a great example that people who see the same speech take away different conclusions based on their biases (on either side). The clips that I've seen on YouTube seem to be set up to make him look like a fool, while I imagine if I were to continue to watch clips, I would see just as many where he is made out to be an Obamaesque orator.
7 months ago
I don't know what clips you saw funonthaside, but I searched on YouTube and all the clips that came up seemed mostly neutral/normal or slightly favorable on Biden's speech. For fun I went and looked on Breitbart, here's a quote I found: "Fox News chief political analyst Brit Hume said, “I think it may be remembered as one of the best, if not the best, speeches of his presidency. He was firm, he was unequivocal, he was strong, as he has been particularly in recent days before he went to Israel and while he was over there.”"
7 months ago
^gaslighting liberal shill
7 months ago
^ what a jackass, loses his temper because he’s such an ignorant irrelevant dope.
7 months ago
^projecting. He just described himself in a nutshell.
7 months ago
^ You have the impulse control and temperament of a child If you can’t get your way you want to make everyone here suffer from your temper tantrums
7 months ago
^^ holy shit, you just described yourself in a nutshell again!! Give it a rest, grumpy old man.
7 months ago
@TheeOSU: "I wonder what microdong's been smoking?" Oh goodness, you're sooooo right. I was totally off base comparing Biden's speech impediment with Reagan's actual dementia. And whatever was I thinking when I juxtaposed Biden's now mainstream Progressive bullshit with Trump's megalomania. I was so off-base. 🤦‍♂️
7 months ago
who? (as i serve myself another margarita...)
7 months ago
'Oh goodness, you're sooooo right.' Lol, that's right!
7 months ago
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