
Comments by JohnBuford

  • review #407084
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    Replying to Adjudicator,Wise Too: Good question as regards cover charge: I don't know, because one nice thing new management has done is waive cover the charge for veterans.
  • review #396407
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    Sammy is solid. Smart,fun funny,nice body.
  • article #58034
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    Sound advice.
  • article #58470
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    Studies have shown that women have a stronger sense of smell than men,so this is sound advice.My first stop when entering a club is the men's room.Spray on a small amount of cologne and wash my hands.
  • discussion #79914
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    I've only been to one and that was five years ago,but Baby Dolls was a lot of fun.
  • review #385127
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    I know the girl you're speaking of.Trust me,she understands English way more than she let on. I did a 2 for $60 with her and literally when the song started she got completely nude and said to me "I'm horny as hell."
  • discussion #71037
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    I've never liked them.
  • discussion #70122
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    Rick, yes I sincerely believe I'd have a chance in "the real world."
  • discussion #70122
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    She certainly has the body to be a former dancer and no, this isn't in Florida.
  • discussion #70122
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    Papi,she wasn't interested initially. Now she is. I took/take that as a good sign.If this was/is only about the money, why hesitate ?
  • discussion #70122
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    Hi again guys. Thanks to all of you for weighing in.I am 64 years old. Retired from the US Army. I run 10k road races and can still fit into my uniform. The waitress is 50 so the age/looks "disparity " gap isn't huge.
  • discussion #68124
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    Papi...to use a football term... you're "piling on." I already " fell on my sword."
  • discussion #68133
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    Jeesh...I feel like a wallflower compared to you guys. Quietly whispers "fifteen."
  • discussion #68137
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    I do think it's important to do an " inventory" every hour or so. I'll count my money in the Men's room, but "flashing" isn't a bad idea.
  • discussion #68124
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    Oh man...TUSCL is no place for the faint of heart. :) To listen to to you guys I f... this up early and it's beyond repair.Noted. My thanks to all of you for your time and thoughts. Should something miraculous happen I'll let you know, but for now put a toe tag on me and slide me into the cool container. :)
  • discussion #68124
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    Rick, I don't feel " special", honestly I find her behavior odd. This is uncharted waters for me. I do best with directness,on/off,black/white. I have in fact asked her out twice. Once she said she was taking her daughter to the dentist and and another she said she was spending the afternoon with her daughter at a pool. Shrug. School will be back soon,so that reason/excuse will be gone.
  • discussion #68124
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    Subraman,yep good point.Lone Wolf, I fully expect this to be P4P, but given her aversion to taking money from me (beyond stage tips)...who knows how that factors in ? So instead of outright cash, perhaps gifts ?
  • discussion #68124
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    Thanks again guys. One thing I should have mentioned is that her English was SO limited for so long that absent using a English/Portuguese translation app, I don't know how I could have made my feelings known.
  • discussion #68124
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    Thanks for the comments thus far guys,I appreciate them all. Papi,brilliant minds think alike because I literally thought " long con" as well, but we're six months in and no "pitch" thus far. I do agree with the sentiment that I need to move soon. I work in sales and a no/know today is better than a no/know tomorrow.
  • discussion #61162
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    All good comments again guys. Thanks. And while I've been going to SC's for a long time I fear I fell into the " Starry-eyed rookie" this time. Update: I texted and asked why lunch OTC is different than lunch ITC. (Cue the crickets) So,there it is. I got played. Shrug.
  • discussion #61162
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    Thanks for your insights. Much appreciated.
  • discussion #56322
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    Nothing as intense as playoff hockey.Every shift of every game is life/death. It's a great time of year.
  • discussion #56256
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    I fully understand the zeal with which people want to get rid of sex trafficking. But I can't help but feel it's like burning your house down to get rid of termites. Effective,but over-the-top. What % of sex workers are doing so against their will ?
  • discussion #56258
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    Smokin. A 9 seems reasonable.
  • discussion #56201
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    Given the concerns over identify theft and information breaches,yes, it's a perfectly reasonable request IMO.
  • discussion #56137
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    " I need $1,200 to get an apartment."
  • discussion #56025
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    @Papi... yes first time OTC.
  • discussion #56025
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    Thanks to all of you who took the time to respond. I'll update if/when something happens.
  • discussion #56025
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    Hi Papi. That's the thing... this club is known as no extras. I'm not so naive to think she's never been paid for sex, but I'm guessing it's been a case-by-case arrangement.
  • discussion #56022
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  • discussion #56024
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  • discussion #55981
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    Bravo !
  • discussion #55973
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    Good to hear from you and pleased you are you doing well.
  • discussion #55492
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    NICE whip. I love the color.
  • discussion #55499
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    " The time is always right to do what is right."... Martin Luther King Jr.
  • discussion #55502
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    The club was opened in 1975 by a guy who made his money in the fruit business. Hence the name.He argued (and won) in court that a stripper dancing was "artistic expression" and should be treated no differently than "regular" dancing.Thus,in Massachusetts we have fully nude and alcohol.
  • discussion #54855
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    If I sense it's "natural" (not easy I know, with strippers) I'm ok with it. If it's contrived,then no,I don't like it at all.
  • discussion #54861
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    I don't say this in a smartass way,but I think you both need professional help. I TOTALLY understand wanting to "help", I've done it myself plenty of times. But this thing you have going on ? Whew. Above my pay grade as we used to say in the Army.You're 72. Children ? Grandchildren ? If yes,are you spending time with them that could be more beneficial ?
  • discussion #51075
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    Think of the $350 as an investment and not an expense. At a minimum you learned what NOT to do.Their hustle stays the same,whereas you can up yours.
  • discussion #45850
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    My rule has always been whatever she has done and with whom before we met is her life and her business. But after we met ? Nope. No interest in seeing or hearing her with another guy.
  • discussion #45714
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    I tell them that I just fell off the turnip truck,have lots of cash,have never been to a SC and am very naïve.
  • discussion #45740
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    If you are truly enjoying your time and not just " going through the motions", absolutely rock on dude.I'm at the other end of the spectrum.I'm taking a sabbatical because it hasn't been fun for me lately.I'm relieved to see that I am OK with not going.So long as you can too,I don't see a problem.
  • discussion #45184
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    Isn't Bangmyycock in Tyland ? Or is that Cygone ?
  • discussion #44280
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    ROB,no doubt in my mind. I think you handled it well.You paid for dinner,came to an agreement on the business side of things and made plans to meet again.If she took an Uber/taxi to get the restaurant I would have paid for her ride home,but that's it.
  • discussion #43856
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    Dude,you caught lightning in a bottle with this chick.She's clearly an outlier and rather than dwell on the sloppy exit (and how many relationships stick the dismount ?) be grateful that you had the times you did.
  • discussion #43835
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    nauri,turn this into a road trip.Could be a book here:"Travels For Two Way." Start in Florida,head north.Hit every club between there and British Columbia. Let us know what you learn. You could be the next Kerouac.
  • discussion #42990
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    Tell her you will drive her to see her father.If she stammers... you're being played.Absent that,insist on her father's name and the hospital he's in.If she stammers... you're being played.If she does give you the information call the hospital and ask to be connected to his room.If he's not s patient...well...shrug.
  • discussion #42137
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    Law School ?
  • discussion #42138
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    Grrr...meant to post " $40 million empty suit "
  • discussion #42138
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    For the record, the vote was 2-1. If you include the first Judge who ruled, it's 2-2. That's hardly a "slam dunk." But...hey, the NFL (for now) has won.Noted. The mouth-breathing Pats haters are happy. Good for them. Just don't whine when the NFL/Goodell (a $40 million) screws your team.
  • discussion #41966
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    I'm a retired senior NCO from the US Army and was a recruiter in New Jersey for three years in the early 80's.Most of the females I put in had " issues ." Daddy issues in particular. This one girl had made it quite clear that she was available, but Fort Leavenworth beckoned in my mind so I passed. Anyway, she had a tat on her wrist and when I complimented her on it she asked if I wanted to see her other one ." Sure. " She smiled and started to unbuckle the belt of her jeans. Again...the military prison at Leavenworth beckoned and I told her no. That was my first time I realized girls with tats are a mental mess.
  • discussion #41723
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    I'm guessing 75%
  • discussion #41699
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  • discussion #41600
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    If I were a club owner I would offer a punctuality/attendance bonus. Show up X straight days on time and you get a cash bonus, a gift card or week of no house fees.
  • discussion #41559
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    @Dominic77:Right on my man. If a dancer has a "built-in" tip,than that's it for me. Zero tip and she is now dead to me. Last time I got LD's the dancer reminded me that I could tip. It pissed me off. I gave her less than I was going to and told her.
  • discussion #41537
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    Well played. My jaw was dropping and I was mouthing "WTF" until...duh.
  • discussion #41466
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    @Cashman1234,Subraman: That's hilarious. :) And all this time I thought I was the only who enjoyed the schadenfreude. God love 'em,they are a hot mess.
  • discussion #41466
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    All good posts guys, keep 'em coming.I need to to re-think about what is out and out lying vs what is SS.I realize now that I lumped them together and that is clearly a mistake.And I like the clear divide of ITC/OTC.
  • discussion #41256
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    I'm thinking something in sales would work.You already have good people skills. That's first and foremost. Product knowledge can be learned. You work where/when you want to and so long as you are making your numbers your boss will let you do your thing.
  • discussion #41208
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    What's a female ?
  • discussion #41157
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    IMO $175,plus hotel/motel, say another $75 is worth the investment. Bring extra cash, a bottle of wine,have a pizza delivered to the room and maybe more happens.
  • discussion #41168
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    "The difference between free sex and paying for sex is that free sex costs way more."... Woody Allen
  • discussion #41147
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    "Gentlemen you can't fight in here, it's the War Room."... Drop the mic.
  • discussion #40726
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    I can help you out John:rambling it is. I might add mindless as well.
  • discussion #40483
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    If they ask,the answer is no. If we have been chatting for a few minutes and I like their company, I'll offer.
  • discussion #40489
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  • discussion #39539
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    All good responses. I'm pleased this thread generated this kind of interest.
  • discussion #39539
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    @subraman:"fucking retarded "...lol. @ Motorhead: sleeve tats and black lipstick. I hear you man. NOTHING turns me off quicker than that look.
  • discussion #39513
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    I say good on you my man. It sounds like you did a decent thing and in an ideal world good karma will follow. But sadly, my experience has been these girls live " hand to mouth " for so much of their lives that even if she would want to "reward" you in some way, she won't be able to. I hope I'm wrong.
  • discussion #39523
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    @Motorhead: right on man.I'm 60 and find tats/ piercings a real turn off. It's not a right/wrong thing,simply what is appealing, but it cuts down on the supply side of things for me.
  • discussion #39469
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    I would advise to move slowly, cautiously.I'd meet at a hotel/motel,I wouldn't go to her place or have her to mine. If you both feel the same in say,six months you can " raise the stakes. " If you don't, it cost you $ for the room, meals etc. Treat that as an investment, not an expense.
  • discussion #39343
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    I hear you man. I've been in a rut lately. Discouraged by the ss I've been subject to. It does wear on you after awhile, no doubt.
  • discussion #37862
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    While I think 10 years would be a stretch, he does have some things in his favor. He keeps himself in excellent condition. His training and diet are the best. Never athletic to begin with, he's not relying on his legs ( hello there RGIII) for his success. He gets rid of the ball very quickly and seldom takes the crunching hit.Lastly, he has a first ballot HC in Belichick. So long as BB is running things, the Pats will be a contender every year
  • discussion #35908
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    In the words of Ronald Reagan:" Trust, but verify." Put me down for a "Have her show you a note from a doctor."
  • discussion #35658
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    Call the motel and make sure she is staying there. Get the room # and find out what the nightly rate is. Scout it out a bit to make sure a line of guys and/or a bf/pimp isn't going in/out.Assuming all looks good, ask what her rate is. If she tells you what you already learned from the motel,then you know she's being truthful.
  • discussion #35421
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    Wait..I can go online and look at pictures of naked girls ?? Wow. And neither my mom, boss or therapist will know ? I think you guys are on to something.My last investment in trying to help that Nigerian Princess escape her unlawful imprisonment and flee the country with $26 million didn't work out too well,but this sounds promising.
  • discussion #35420
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    I've been playing chess since I've been 8 years and while not very good,it's something I enjoy doing. I enjoy the "mental chess" of dealing with strippers.I start with the premise that everything they say is a lie and/or something to gain themselves an edge.The banter of BS that goes back and forth keeps me mentally sharp and I hope it wards off dementia.
  • discussion #35374
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    I'm a sales rep and give samples of my product away in return for "considerations."
  • discussion #35233
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    I slip them a roofie and then do whatever I want. It's worked pretty well so far...WTF dude... this isn't quantam physics. I got an idea: tell her what you like.If she cannot/will not provide that,move on.
  • discussion #34861
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    Simply not a good idea. Too many things can go wrong.Lots of other women available for what you want without the baggage.
  • discussion #34343
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    Pretty spot on.
  • discussion #21683
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    A TWO year investigation results in the arrest of FIVE people ?? WTF ? Barney Fife heading up the investigation ? What an abolute embarrassment
  • discussion #21646
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    @69dude:First off,really cool name.Secondly,you sound like a pompous a-hole.When combined with stupidity it makes for a terrific combination.Please check back with us in six months to update us on this exciting career opportunity for your two...uhhhh...."ladies." If not,we can read about it in one of those women magazines in the article "Can This Marriage Be Saved" ?
  • discussion #21619
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    Perhaps she "got the calling" and joined the convent.Her new name is Sister Mary Bambi.
  • discussion #21452
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    "Underachieving and mowing lawns"....LMAO
  • discussion #21452
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    I think you first have to know what % of the population is Asian females between 18-35.I'm assuming that whatever that number is,most are on the west coast,so if you're not there,you're not as likely to see them.Education is the next factor.I don't have the numbers,but I'm guessing Asians have a disproportionate % of Ph.D.'s,J.D.'s (attorney) etc.The more education you have,the more you're going to earn.Pretty simple.Culture of course plays a role too.Another guess here,but I bet Asians have lower divorce rates than other groups.Fewer broken homes means a smaller pool of would-be strippers.Perhaps one of our more scholarly type members can provide us some numbers so we have some empirical evidence.
  • discussion #21433
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    @tumbling:you started off your post by making a remark about Boston fans.I simply responded in kind to cancel out your foolishness,so we could move on to discussing football.The Giants are and always have been my second favorite team.So what say we stop the childish behavior and act like big boys and girls.
  • discussion #21433
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    Spent lots of time in NY.Yankees/Giants fans are the worst.That cancels out tumbling's comment and we can move on other things.Lifetime Pats fan here.I stuck with them when they were 1-15.If they never win another game,the memories of a decade of excellence will carry me to my grave.They've been to seven SB'S and some teams have yet to go to one.Love 'em,hate 'em,either way you pay attention.Go Pats
  • discussion #21446
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    Hmm.Why do I sense there's a lot more to this story than a simple refusal to pay ? Also,shouldn't a club let you know what your tab is once it's reached say $300 ? Seems to me it would cut down on BS like this.
  • discussion #21420
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    Set the bar really low in terms of responsibility,accountability,a sense of urgency,punctuality.This is her world,she's the sun.Soak it up,but always know you're revolving around her.
  • discussion #21340
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    Wow.I thought this stuff only happened in middle school.I was in a club a month ago and bought this girl lunch,a water and tipped a few bucks at the rail.Total outlay:20 bucks.I was back in the club and didn't get even a smile from her.Was I pissed ? A little bit at not even being acknowledged.But hurt? Pouting ? Uhhh,no.As Tom Hagen said in "The Godfather":"it's not personal,it's business."
  • discussion #21227
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    I was invited,but declined when I learned it was a cash bar.
  • discussion #21218
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    @Motorhead High 5 for that subtle "In The Heat of the Night" reference. :)
  • discussion #21162
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    pleez my check will b hear reel soon i will call u and luv u long time ha ha
  • discussion #21163
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    u seem reely nice I dont waist time ha ha
  • discussion #21178
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    Well if you're coming from Australia and going to Mexico,then yes going to LV does make sense.And while a male "escort" is not required,I think it makes some sense as it can keep a lot of unwanted attention from coming your way.
  • discussion #21178
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    Hmmm.Why is my Bullshit detector on full alert right now ?
  • discussion #21163
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    oh so u thought my post waz reel huh ha ha do u know what sarcasm is i will guess no ha ha i will call u collect
  • discussion #21162
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    how grate 2 c u posted 2 times I hope 2 speak 2 u soon until my check gets here can I call u collect
  • discussion #21163
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    lynn and teresa did u 2 work together both in a club and here to right this grate post u really make me want 2 call u with such a well written ad can I call u collect
  • discussion #21150
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    Art,your modesty won't allow you to say it,so I will:that's a wonderful compliment and a nice reflection on you.You clearly made a positive impression on this young lady.Good for you.
  • discussion #21142
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    Clubber nailed it.I don't hunt,fish,play golf,have season tickets or other "big ticket" hobbies.My children are grown,gone and (thankfully) no longer need my help,so overall,no regrets.But I can look back and wince,knowing I got "played" a few times.No disgrace in making a mistake,provided you learn from it.
  • discussion #21146
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    This is an example of "the long con." She didn't know her mother,brother would be in her apartment ? Please.Teasing you with texts and pics is throwing chum in the water.Tell this girl your account is closed until further notice.
  • discussion #21125
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    To me,if she's sweating during the LD,it means she's working hard and I take that as both a compliment and a sign that it's money well spent.Any other odor is a deal-breaker.
  • discussion #21112
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    I take them to a convent.I ask the good Sisters if I may borrow a room in return for a donation.It's kind of kinky and adds to the excitement.
  • discussion #20997
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    I like to wear lots of layers,with hidden compartments,pockets and linings.I keep the $1,000 bills up my ass for emergencies,I roll the $500 bills very tightly and insert them in a catheter inside my penis.I tape the $100 bills to my forehead.I put the $50 bills in between my toes.Any bill smaller than that I have no concern with and allow them to dangle freely from pocket.I find this system works well and was surprised the Judge disagreed when I spoke at my Fitness Hearing.
  • discussion #20714
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    Mario's in Webster MA and Rhode Island Dolls in Woonsocket RI are two that I can say are good.Foxy Lady in Brockton MA puts out a free buffet that is hit/miss depending on what is being served.
  • discussion #20633
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    For a career military officer aspiring to be a general I can tell you that divorce is a roadblock to further promotions.I'm positing the theory that just perhaps the Mrs. knew of the General's infidelities and "took one for the team" so as not to stall his fast track to four stars.And while the military frowns on divorce,adultery is in the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) and is a career-ender.So much so that Petreaus may be court martialed if it can be shown the affair started while he was on active duty.As an aside,this guy was a helluva soldier.When things were going to hell in Iraq,it was his leadership that righted things."People" magazine may not be kind to him,but military history will.
  • discussion #20589
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    A three month investigation and 30 police officers nets three arrests for small-time drug dealing and prostitution.Wow.This isn't exactly a career case is it ? What an absolute waste of resources.Privately,I hope the agencies involved in this are embarrassed.
  • discussion #20563
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    I like the movies on "Lifetime."For me,a SC that does not have big-screen TV's showing a game I'm interested in will be the difference on whether I go.In the business world it's known as "value added." And nothing says "I'm not interested" better than locking in on the game.It cuts down on rejection/hurt feelings.
  • discussion #20535
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    When will we all learn that you cannot legislate morality ? What people choose to do with their body/money/time is their business and no one else's.
  • discussion #20449
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  • discussion #20430
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    Had I known this was going to deterioate into mindless name-calling I never would have started the thread.VH,I like your "thinking outside the box" approach.I've heard of SC's that post a "roll call" on their web site,listing the names of the dancers who are scheduled to work that day.Pictures ? Hmmm.Not so much.I know girls who drive two hours one way,so as help protect their privacy.No one has a monopoly on new ideas.But with name-calling people concentrate on the messenger and not the message.Switch to de-caf.
  • discussion #20430
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    The place was dead,but I should have given her more money.I see that now.Or,told her upfront I was not interested in a LD.Lesson learned.
  • discussion #20418
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    @Motorhead,I have two daughters (28,25) and if they were alone and were about to get pulled over I would hope they would call me.This is what I would tell them:stop in a well lit area,turn off the engine, turn off the radio,get the registration and driver's license,turn on the interior light(s),stay in the car, put your hands on top of the steering wheel and get off the phone.I'm a retired military policeman (MP) from the Army and this is what I wanted to see when I made a traffic stop.I will not apologize for being a doting father and I would never discourage my girls from calling me if/when they need advice.BTW,one is an attorney and the other has a M.Ed. and teaches school.I say this not to brag, but to cut off the "you're-gonna-cripple-them-with-your-hovering" comments.
  • discussion #20429
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    I'm reminded of the movie "Dumb and Dumber." VH,right on.Who TF drops 4K in LD's in one night ? Stupidity at its worst.BUT...maybe...just maybe having gotten 4K out of the village idiot, the club could have given him a pass on the $500 ? What I don't know I guess is SC Economics 101.What is the club's take on 4K ? Say it's one third,or $1,300 (rounded).Write off the $500 and your net profit on this guy is $800.Pretty good haul I would say.Casinos comp room/food/liquor all the time for high rollers.They feel like big shots and keep coming back.I'm pretty sure casinos are not stupid.They do what they do because it makes money.Will this guy EVER drop a dime in this club again ? Not a chance.He'll take his business elsewhere.Stupid is as stupid does.
  • discussion #20414
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    I PM'ed Stiletto a question I had some time back knowing she would never make it public.She had demonstrated (and continues) to demonstrate that she is a woman of character.I knew I could trust her.Period.Can the same be said of KK ? Breaching a trust sucks,but caveat emptor.
  • discussion #20415
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    How about former Attorney General Janet Reno.I've been scouring the land fruitlessly (cue the "Route 66" theme) trying to find a dancer that looks like her.
  • discussion #20373
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    I say "no thanks",but try and follow up with something like "your perfume is nice" or "I like your shoes." They leave with a smile and all is good.
  • discussion #20320
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    @65122:by your own admission you haven't been a good guy.You post her pic and make sure to tell everyone here THIS IS HER.You're feeling guilty and your "penance" is her taking off her clothes for strange men in return for the filthy lucra.Her dancing will be your "cleansing",so spare us the sanctimonious "gee,golly,gosh what-am-I-to-do ?" To quote Don Corleone "you can act like a man."
  • discussion #20322
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    @Motorhead:you nailed it my man.Mouths to feed,child care costs equals a sense of urgency to make money by any means necessary.
  • discussion #20306
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    @berge:Good for you man.Once in awhile they just need/want a gentleman who can entertain,inform,amuse.I had a woman (not a dancer) tell me "make a woman laugh,impress her with your intelligence and her panties are half way off."
  • discussion #20230
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    Let the free marketplace dictate who makes money and who doesn't.If the customers are not interested in (fill in the blank) type dancers than they will not make money and will move on to another club or another industry.This is how it should be.When I go to a club I am attracted to ethnic looking dancers.I discriminate against the blonde/blue "Barbie" types.That's my choice.But it should be a level playing field for everyone.
  • discussion #20134
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    We got Woodward and Bernstein here,doing some investigative journalism on the new "Deep Throat." And you expected us to be grateful for your insightful and hard-hitting analysis ? Next time donate a $1,000 to a worthy charity and spare us your BS OK ? "Go take crazy somewhere else,we're all filled up here."..."As Good As It Gets"
  • discussion #19955
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    I will only echo the above posts and say thank you as well.Great site.
  • discussion #19939
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    She's giving double and even triple the time she is supposed to and not charging ? I'd say short of her saying "I want to have sex with you" that's the best signal you're going to get.But I agree with stenton:ANY stall,complication,asterisk etc. and it's "the long con." Put your hand on your wallet and head for higher ground.
  • discussion #19937
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    Poet Laureate,Chess Grandmaster,Retired boxer,History Professor,Nuclear physicist,Fighter Pilot and Lumberjack are some of the things I've said over the years.
  • discussion #19798
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    @Rick:I share your surprise.You're from New Enngland as I am and the clubs I go to,buying a dancer a drink is all part of the process.She sits,we talk,if I like her I ask if she wants one.No quota,no jacked-up prices,nothing watered down.I'm glad I don't have to deal with that BS.So as she doesn't want an IV hooked up pumping Long Island ice tea into her,it's all good.
  • discussion #19729
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    Anyone see the Dutch field hockey team ? Be still my heart.
  • discussion #19636
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    Facie bruta !
  • discussion #19625
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    Charm is in the kitchen making me breakfast
  • discussion #19628
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    "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."...FDR
  • discussion #19617
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    Art,your use of words such as "diaphanous" and "besotted" raises the bar for the rest of us.I will keep a thesaurus handy when posting.And using the metric system and your use of French on occasion makes me think of the "Dos Equos" guy.Stay horny my friend.
  • discussion #19607
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    My son clerked for a Judge (a woman) who was hearing a similar case here in Massachusetts several years ago.In her chambers when discussing the case she was perplexed because she didn't know how SC's operated.My son didn't either and asked me if I knew anything about them.Keeping my best poker face,I told him only of my experiences overseas and quickly changed the topic.
  • discussion #19568
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    My first time in Vegas I guess I was a real rube and being polite,took the card and immediately threw it away.(And yes,I probably littered).The law is unenforcable.What they should do is tell everyone via web sites,newspapers,cabs,buses,hotels,casinos etc. NOT to take the cards.The folks handing them out only do it because from a financial point it make sense.When it doesn't they will go away.When I was in the military in the 70's I remember airports putting up signs and making announcements that we were under no obligation to contribute to the Hare Krishna's.Anybody see them lately ? (Reruns of "Airplane" excluded)
  • discussion #19540
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    Fresno ? Mobile ? Did you lose a bet or were they your third and fourth choices behind Mogadishu and Podunk ?
  • discussion #19514
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    New club/dancer: handsome,funny smart.SS,100%. Regular club/fave:"I've missed you." Worth all the other SS.
  • discussion #19529
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    I know there is a new club opening on the site of an old club that closed.Beyond that I can't help you.
  • discussion #19206
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    @Motorhead:It's interesting you should say that,because the night I was arrested I spent my time with a dancer I had never seen before.I know in my heart that if I had been with one of my faves they would not have let me leave in the condition I did.I think your observation is spot on.
  • discussion #19206
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    It should be noted that what has happened to me thus far is only because I did not cause any property or bodily damage.Please note,I am NOT looking for an "attaboy" for that,merely giving everyone the facts.Had I hit something/someone and/or blown higher than .08 penalties are far greater.I refused the breathalyzer,but am certain I was above .08.
  • discussion #19206
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    @carl95,Yes,kids are banned from the roads at all other hours.Folks like me have kids lined up as targets.Very insightful observation.
  • discussion #19206
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    @Rickdugan:No sir,no history.In fact when when my son talked to the DA's office to make my plea bargain deal they specifically said my driving record was impeccable,zero moving violations and no other criminal history.To the rest of you guys,thanks for the words of encouragement
  • discussion #19455
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    I'm pretty sure I can get college credits for reading the entire OP.
  • discussion #19452
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    I prefer the ones from the Chesapeake Bay,with some drawn butter.If her vaginal area was unable to support them I'd view that a drawback and try and find one who could.
  • discussion #19450
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    Whew,tough room. :)
  • discussion #19450
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    I'm NOT a professional editor and I'm NOT looking for money,promise.You're a new club starting out and I'd like to help.
  • discussion #19450
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    I understand.I'm not criticizing,merely saying that something this important should have a better look is all.(shrug)
  • discussion #19450
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    You could have,should have used an editor for this.This is a major announcement and should be better written.Message me if you're interested in some editing suggestions.
  • discussion #19447
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    Something doesn't feel/sound right about the "because he was there..." line.I had a dispute with a hotel a few years ago and was unable to resolve it.I put American Express on it and it was a slam dunk,I got my money back.They never said "well you were at the ho tel,so you can't dispute it." I'm thinking there may be more going on here than we now know.
  • discussion #19411
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    The original post is every English teacher's worst nightmare.One run-on sentence devoid of grammar,clarity or direction. @indyslick,motorhead:LMAO
  • discussion #19238
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    I go by myself and am reminded of the line "Neil" (Robert DeNiro) says in the movie "Heat.":"I am alone,I am not lonely."
  • discussion #19248
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    When I was in the military I went to massage parlors in both Thailand and the Phillipines and there/then you could get WHATEVER you wanted,provided you had the cash.The massage itself was a joke.All but useless.Used only to kill time as you said what you wanted and then negotiated a price.Ahhh,to be 19 again and stationed in Southeast Asia with not a care in the world.Be still my heart.
  • discussion #19208
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    Provided the price for her is the same as it is for everyone else I don't mind at all.I have found it a good way to gauge whether I want to get a LD.
  • discussion #17825
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    Any sort of "ethnic" looking dancer is appealing to me.I hope this doesn't sound racist,but a black dancer with "white features" (Halle Berry,Tyra Banks) is my favorite.I hate going into a club that is whiter than a box of Titleists.
  • discussion #17826
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    "That government is best which governs least."...Henry David Thoreau (although often attributed to Thomas Jefferson).A quick story.Prior to going to law school my daughter worked as para-legal in a big,"buton down" law firm.If an attorney had a deposition/court date the next day she was required to work until the attorney was satisfied that he/she was ready.If that meant my daughter working unto 10 or 11 pm,so be it.(The firm would give her a limo ride home and not require she come in until noon the following day).She is now in her last year of law school and this summer interned for the Department of Commerce in D.C.One night she stayed until 7 to get a project finished,only to be "scolded" the next day for "working late." And that in a nutshell is how and why private industry always trumps government in terms of efficency and getting the job down.At 5pm a civil servant will drop the pen if they're signing their name.
  • discussion #17714
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    Sorry my man,but we're all pretty much allergic to bullshit on this site.You see,we deal with at least some of that every time we step in a club.Go run your scam somewhere else.
  • discussion #17705
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    @Maddog:Wow.Classy move by you.I'd like to think I would have done the same thing,but knowing myself,I would have given a waitress a couple of bucks to tell the girl it was a mistake and I'd like some lap dances in return.@Shadowcat:very thoughtful touch.May it come back to you tenfold in good karma.You're both gentlemen.
  • discussion #17704
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    All three of my children are old enough,but the answer is "no." Insofar as my daughters working there I'm reminded of a Chris Rock line about being a good parent:"If your daughter is on the pole, you fucked up.If she's in clear heels,you fucked up." I rest my case.
  • discussion #17682
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    Kudos to Mr. Maley for his thoughtful article.Politically I'm a libertarian,believing the government should be out of our lives and business as much as possible.What I do with my time and money is MY business and so long as I do not infringe on the rights of others,I should be left alone to do as I please.Period.If a community has zoning laws in place to prevent SC's from being near schools and places of worship,that's fine.I don't mind a sound application of common sense.Regrettably,some short-sighted politicians do not share my view.
  • discussion #17539
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    I think motorhead is right on,but let me add one caveat.It's his second marriage,thus I'm assuming the wedding will not be big,but still not EVERYONE there (most likely from his side) may know of her previous occupation.Apply some tact and discretion when the inevitable small talk starts at your table.Insofar as a gift,see if they're registered somewhere and go that route.And if some of her former co-workers are there,have fun. :)